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Showing posts from May, 2019

Boujie on a budget... Summed up like a real budget πŸ’ΈπŸ’²πŸ’Έ

In every blog post that I have posted I try by all means to make it easy and understandable to everyone who might come across and read the blog but I always stick to one specific topic. This week though will strictly be a switch up as well as a guideline of everything connected to being a boujie spender on a tight budget The first and most important thing one should try to avoid is purchasing something they don't like just because it's cheap!! Do not... DO NOT turn yourself into a cheap-skate for the sake of saving and budgeting.  The problem behind buying something just because it is cheap is that you hardly see any value in it because more than often, chances are you will complain about it everytime because it will not be something you are satisfied with! Another problem with buying the cheapest thing on the isle is that not times, these cheap things we buy are hardly of any good quality. This easily applies to make-up, shoes, alcohol, hair (mostly weave and wigs). An